RDA Blog listing page

5 Business lessons learned during 2020

February 5, 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic caught the entire world by surprise. Every person and organization, from schools and churches to major corporations and small businesses, has been impacted by this global... Click here to read more...

The mistakes I've seen business owners make over the last 20 years

February 4, 2021

“It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes.” Click here to read more...

How to recognise if your business might be failing

February 4, 2021

Many people come to see me for business coaching when they’re worried that their business might be failing. Click here to read more...

What is business coaching? And what can it do for your business?

February 2, 2021

Business coaching has become a common and important practice for business owners who want to advance themselves and their companies. Still, many business leaders don’t truly understand what coaching... Click here to read more...

Minister Burke announces further commercial rates package

February 2, 2021

Minister Peter Burke, Minister of State for Planning and Local Government, has announced another commercial rate’s package for local authorities totalling €160 million for the first quarter of 2021. Click here to read more...

Key business trends to embrace in 2021

February 2, 2021

2020 will go down in history as a year like no other. With most businesses closing doors to physical offices overnight in March, the monumental task of continuing to sell products and services led to... Click here to read more...

Business exit strategy

February 1, 2021

When entrepreneurs embark on their new business venture, typically they will have a solid idea, a good business plan and a well mapped out path to profitability. Click here to read more...

Mental Health and the business owner

January 28, 2021

As business owners and leaders of our business, it is imperative that we recognise at these times the effect that lockdown is having on our clients and our staff currently. In the best of times... Click here to read more...

Thinking of setting up an Irish Company as a result of Brexit?

January 27, 2021 Tax, Accounting, Advisory

If you are a UK resident you may have an issue with the Irish/EU Resident Director requirements for setting up an Irish Company. Click here to read more...

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