General Information The Government announced new measures to provide financial support to Irish...
COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme - Important Guidance for EMPLOYEES
- If your employer has opted to operate the wage subsidy scheme - you will notice the COVID-19 non taxable pay on your payslip.
- The COVID-19 pay is NOT being taxed In real time - so at the moment you are not paying any tax, prsi or USC on this payment;
- Revenue have stated that the subsidy WILL be liable to income tax and USC on review at the end of the year
- What does this mean for employees?
- This means that at some stage before the end of the year the Revenue will calculate how much wage subsidy you were paid and calculate the tax due on it - they will more than likely adjust your tax credits for 2021/2022 for any tax due by the employee (there is no further guidance on how this will be done as of 7th April 2020)
- THIS IS NOT FREE MONEY - it is just not being taxed at the moment during this crisis
- How much tax might I owe?
The examples below give an Idea of how the tax will be calculated based on your income (for Illustration purposes - each individual will have a unique tax situation)
Net Weekly pay (Incl subsidy) €350 €550
Tax free allowance (standard) €317 €317
Taxable at end of year €33 €233
Potential tax@ 20% per week €6.60 €46.60
8. If you are not working and are in receipt of the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment (also €350) directly from DEASP this will also be taxable in the same was as above - all social welfare benefits ARE taxable.