Extension to the eligibility for SBASC to businesses in non-rateable premises with fixed costs and...
Failte Ireland - COVID-19 - Adaptation Fund
This is a Fund to support tourism and hospitality businesses who have incurred adaptation costs in order to re-open safely in line with the Fáilte Ireland Guidelines for Re-Opening.
Eligible businesses include:
- Accommodation listed on Fáilte Ireland’s Statutory Accommodation Register 2020 or Non-Statutory Accommodation Listing 2020*
- Pubs/ bars with a Publican’s Licence (opening under the Government’s Roadmap for Re-opening Society and Business)
- Restaurants or cafés with a Wine Retailer’s On-Licence or a Special Restaurant Licence
- Visitor attractions
- Activity operators
- Adventure centres
- Cruise hire companies
- Boat tour operators
- Tourism equestrian centres
- Tourism golf clubhouses
- Tourism wellness centres
Some key qualifying criteria to note include:
✓ Businesses must be tax-compliant.
✓ Before applying for a grant, businesses are required to complete the Fáilte Ireland COVID-19 Safety Charter, which includes ensuring that all employees undertake requisite COVID-19 safety and hygiene control training.
✓ They must also operate in full compliance with Fáilte Ireland’s Guidelines for Re-Opening for their sector. Read more details about the Safety Charter and the Guidelines for Re-Opening.
✓ Businesses will also be required to commit to opening for a minimum period of time between 29 June and 31 December in 2020 in order to be eligible for this Fund.
✓ Businesses must have incurred either: (a) capital expenditure for COVID-19 related adaptations to fixed, visitor-facing premises, or (b) expenditure on consumables, particularly the sanitisation of equipment and safety gear. See here for more information on the two types of grant funding available.