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Growing your business in 2016? How to implement Organisational Change

Organisational changes are rarely fun or easy. To remain competitive in the market, companies must evolve and adapt to the changing climate. But organizational changes whether big or small can be disruptive to the workforce if you don't have strong change management.

Many companies tend to be ineffective at organizational change. It's not as simple as just changing the name or deciding to merge with another successful company or undergoing a shift in culture. For change to be successful, you must take into account every aspect of the company from the culture to the top leaders and even part-time staff. There are several strategies for change management you should consider adopting before you make any shifts within the organization.

Start at the Top

To initiate any type of change, you should form a team that will lead the charge. But ensure that people at the helm of the change ship are competent and aligned on the cause.

You should establish goals for transitions. While you can simply tell your employees change will “accelerate growth,” it’s much better to set concrete goals that can be measured.

Ask for Feedback

Many organizations ask for feedback after they’re already shoulder-deep in their change initiative. But you may be more likely to succeed if you begin the change with the feedback already in hand.

According to a recent survey 38 percent of lower-level employees don’t agree with the change initiative their company is undergoing. Employee engagement survey tools that help you gain insight from employees on the frontline who are affected by the day-to-day change can help streamline the change process.

Define the Change

It’s not enough to just tell your employees that change is coming. You should establish goals for transitions. While you can simply tell your employees change will “accelerate growth,” it’s much better to set concrete goals that can be measured.

To do so, make the goals “SMART”: Specific, Measurable, Action Oriented, Realistic and Time Bound. You’ll not only be able to measure your progress, but you'll also give your employees something solid to work toward.


Overcomplicating matters may just make your employees confused and overwhelmed, keep things simple and avoid trying to do too much at once. Stick to a goal. Define it with simplicity.

Do It in Sections

Begin by introducing the change into only one section of the company. Doing this can allow you to figure out the difference in productivity, morale and finances, which ultimately determine whether the change has potential for success across the entire organization or if you should do more tinkering before escalating it.

Don’t Stick to Bottom Line Numbers

Remember those defined goals? Don’t just make them about finances and figures. The emotional aspect may be just as important. Ensure there’s an emotional drive toward making a change.

Adopt Recognition Programs

Set standards by recognizing employees who are aiding the change. Tailor the rewards to specific actions and company values so other employees know what type of behaviour is rewardable. It can also show that you truly appreciate and acknowledge your employees during this difficult time.

Keep Communication Lines Open

It’s not efficient to communicate the change, then assume that employees are ready to go. Instead, look for feedback—and do it constantly

Organizational change can undoubtedly be stressful. But it can be stressful for all employees, from the top-down, which is why you should maintain employee morale through clear communication, feedback and employee recognition.

For more information on how to grow your business ring Jim Doyle at 0539170507 or email