How to find your dream customers (and make them love you).
Do you want more fans, followers, subscribers – and customers?
The most important question we can ask ourselves as business owners - who are our dream customers?
This question might seem obvious, but it becomes more difficult in practice as we tend to cast our net very wide in looking for the perfect customer.
Start by making a wish list.
You probably have at least a sense of who your product or service is for. Or maybe you already have clients, and particularly enjoy working with a particular segment. In either case, start with, who you want to work with, and bullet it out.
It’s helpful to chunk this into demographics and psychographics.
Demographics are statistical facts about your customer, such as:
- Their income
- Their age-group
Psychographics, on the other hand, are:
- Attitudes
- Behaviours
You won’t know everything here, but you’ll likely know a lot. Start by mapping out what you do know.
Do a little detective work.
Your next step is to test your assumptions about what your customer actually needs and wants, and the best way to do that is to ask them (what you learn will likely surprise you)
Once you get speaking to them, ask the following:
- How are you getting on?
- What are you trying to achieve in your business?
- How can I help you?
If you can only ask one question, it must be – HOW CAN I HELP YOU?
The critical thing when dealing with customers is to listen.
I once asked a client in a meeting were they okay as they had not spoken for a while, their reply stuck me to the floor.
They said, “they know what they know they were there to know what I know.”
So, learning to listen is a fantastic skill.
If you want some more information about how to find your dream customer