Recharge your batteries - Rejuvenate yourself and your business As a business owner, I feel a dip...
Loosing your passion & energy for your business? Try recharging your batteries
Running your own business is one of the toughest jobs in the world. Even if you don’t do it all yourself, you worry about it all. Why can’t we get funding? Whom should we hire? Cashflow projections? Which supplier should we choose? How can we beat the competition? What’s wrong with our pricing? And is this economy ever going to stabilize?
The pressure of business, the challenges of trying to manage cash flow and funding and the sheer exhaustion of trying to keep some businesses afloat can take its toll on you.
Here are a few tips on what you can do when the pilot light goes out?
Have a Break: A break or get away from the business especially with family and friends can help you recharge.
Get a Mentor: Engage with a business coach or a mentor from your Local Enterprise Office. You would find it beneficial to have another person looking at the business with you, to see opportunities and to assess where everyone, including yourself, might improve or change their role.
Give Yourself a One on One: In this hectic, always-on world, we rarely have time to think things through. The result: We spin our wheels with unnecessary or even misguided activity. We fix problems for other people instead of ourselves. Give yourself some unstructured time to think about what's frustrating you and what's holding back your business. And take notes, then action them.
Exercise: Get to the gym or go for a brisk walk, or join a spin class or the nearest yoga studio. Take a swim or a run (without the music) Give your brain a chance to drift, dream, and problem-solve. Pump up your confidence and clear out the cobwebs by raising your heartbeat instead of throwing in the towel.
All work and no play! …. Enjoy some fun times, playing with the kids, cooking, shopping, or a social night out. When you enjoy yourself, you give yourself permission to escape from responsibility and reconnect with your joyful self.
Whine a Little: On especially tough days, Why not contact reach out to your mentor or another business owner or trusted advisor for a pep talk. Lunch, coffee, or even a quick Facebook chat or Skype session can do wonders when decisions don’t come easily and frustration runs high.
Relax over Dinner: Have a nice dinner and bottle of wine. Relax, and enjoy the moment and enjoy a nice meal. Your problems won’t go away, but it’ll be easier to reflect on the things in life that are worth working for.
Entrepreneurs usually thrive on the daily adrenaline rush, the highs and lows of building a business. But when the lows get too low and too frequent, give yourself a break.
These are just tips for refocusing, recharging, and moving forward again, you need to find out what works for you.
For further information on how to put a rejuvenate yourself and your business contact Paul Redmond on 053 9170507 or email