Holiday work is taxed in the same way as any other employment. Your employer will deduct tax from...
Managing your Personal tax on-line, (myAccount) Revenue have made some changes to this service
Revenue is continuing to develop new online services in myAccount for PAYE customers. From the middle of June the PAYE Anytime service will no longer be available. This service was first released back in 2005 and cannot be easily accessed on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.
You will now be able to do all your PAYE business online at in the enhanced PAYE Services in myAccount which can be accessed on all mobile devices, and also from the RevApp which is available to download free from the App Store, Google Play Store, and Windows Store
What is myAccount?
myAccount is a single access point for all Revenue’s secure online services (excluding ROS). This is the quickest, easiest, most secure and most convenient way to manage your tax affairs, and allows you to access PAYE Services and all our other online services.
If you are not already registered for myAccount you can register on, home page/click register for myAccount. If you were previously registered for PAYE Anytime you can access myAccount by using your existing PIN.
You will be able to manage the following:
- Manage your tax 2017: Claim/update your tax credits, declare/update non-PAYE income such as rental income and divide your tax credits and rate bands in a way that ensures you pay the right amount of tax. An updated Tax Credit Certificate will issue to you and your employer or pension provider. Your Tax Credit Certificate (TCC) lists your tax credits and reliefs for 2017. Your employer has already been advised of your summary entitlements for 2017 to enable them to calculate your take home pay. You can view your TCC and claim additional tax credits that you may be due for 2017 by clicking on the ‘Manage your tax’ link on PAYE Services in myAccount. You can also print a copy of your TCC.
- Review your tax 2013 – 2016: Review your taxes for an earlier year including claiming tax relief on health expenses. If you are jointly assessed to tax, either person can complete the review. You will also be able to amend your review if you need to make any changes.
- Request an End of Year Statement (P21): If there are no changes needed to your record you can get a statement without completing a review. PAYE Balancing Statement (P21) This is a statement of your total declared income from all sources and gives a breakdown of your tax credits, income tax and USC paid during the tax year. You may request a PAYE balancing statement (P21) if you want your tax liability reviewed in case you have overpaid income tax and USC during the year, or you wish to claim additional tax credits.
- Add a Job or Pension: Tell us about a new job or pension so that we can issue a new Tax Credit Certificate to you and your employer or pension provider.
- Repayment Claims for Previous Years: A claim for repayment of tax must be made within four years after the end of the tax year to which the claim relates. You may currently submit claims for repayment of tax for the years 2013 to 2016. Claims for previous tax years can be made online by clicking on the Review your tax link on PAYE Services in myAccount. Your Form P60 is useful to help you complete and submit your claim. A P60 is a certificate, given to you by your employer, at the end of the tax year.
For Further information in relation to your personal tax, you can contact George Skelton on 053 9170507 or email