The second phase of the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) is being implemented from next Monday...
Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme - Important Update
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ V12) on:Guidance on the Operational phase of the COVID-19:
Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme was published by Revenue on the 18 May 2020.
It now includes guidance on the treatment of employees re-hired post 1 May (FAQ 2.8); a facility to include such employees in the Employer CSV file is expected to be implemented today, 18 May 2020.
To include employees re-hired post 1 May in the Employer CSV file, employers should ensure that the rehired employees are on the Payroll and an RPN has been received by the Friday evening prior to first payroll payment.
The CSV file will be refreshed at least once a week to include new re-hired employees and later more regularly.
Revenue are going to re-process all J9 submissions for those re-employed between 2 May and the availability of the facility (18 May 2020) and refunds will be made as appropriate later in the week.